Cleon's Project Portfolio Page
Project: LoveBook
LoveBook, is a dating-focused application, revolving around providing users with a convenient
and enjoyable tool to enhance their dating experiences. Featuring user preferences management, date organization,
customizable filtering options and best match algorithms, LoveBook enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of your
online dating journey.
Given below are my contributions to the project.
New Feature: Star Command
- What it does: Enables the starring of a date
- Justification: To make it easier to identify a date who you like
- Highlights: Created new classes and fields to implement the feature
New Feature: Unstar Command
- What it does: Enables the unstarring of a date
- Justification: To unstar dates that we no longer like
- Highlights: Created new classes and fields to implement the feature
New Feature: Income Field for each date
- What it does: Added income field for each date
- Justification: Income is an important factor as well in dating.
- Highlights: Created new classes and fields to implement the feature
Unit test cases:
- What it does: Added unit test cases for other commands that outside of those I have implemented, including
- Justification: Unit tests are essential to prevent bugs
- Highlights: Created new classes and fields to implement the feature
Code contributed: RepoSense link
Project management:
- Assigned milestones and issues to teammates on GitHub
Enhancements to existing features:
- User Guide:
- Added documentation for star, unstar commands
- Added quickstart tutorial
- Ensured standardisation of format and commands
- Added tips and caution boxes
- Developer Guide:
- Added Sequence and Activity Diagrams for the
and unstar
- Reviewed PRs and gave constructive feedback to my teammates (PR(s) #79)